Jessica is my puppy. Jessica is great. She likes to play fetch and has lots of energy. Surprising she doesn't like to do Frisbees like Z did. But she does run around not like Z. She is a dachshund/wienie dog. She is brown. She is 2 years old in dog years. I like Jessica she will protect me from spiders in the bathroom. Jessica likes Miss Diane's dachshunds. She will play with them all day. Good night.
- From Emily
Hi Emily, it sounds like Jessica and Winter have a lot in common. Winter has lots of energy like Jessica. Also, just like Jessica, she loves to play fetch but does not play much with a Frisbee. I remember Z, he was the best at catching a Frisbee. Dad did a good job when he trained Z.
By the way, I like your new Blog. There are not a lot of girls your age writing there own blog. Good job, your dad is looking down at you from heaven with a big smile on his face because he is so proud of you. I love you, Sis.
Tony G
Well Jessica is a little smaller than Z so maybe a smaller frisbee or a soft frisbee would be better for Jessica. The soft frisbee might work better for her smaller mouth. I agree with Tony, Z was a great frisbee and lake dog.
I like the blog as well, Emily. I think your friends and family will enjoy reading about you.
As for energy, I think you would give Jessica a run for her money in that department.
Take care Emily.
Hey Emm - It's Jami from Primarily Kids - your mom told me you had a blog - I am soooooo impressed!!!!Loved reading your stories - can't wait to hear more. Do you still play with any of your Webkinz??? I'll try to check often to see what you are up to!!
Love ya
Hi Emily. We like our dog Ryo just as much as you like Jessica. Dogs are so much fun; like little fuzzy people who need a whole lotta love!
When I was a kid I had a big dog named Apache. He used to go for walks with us while I rode my bike. He would keep all the big dogs away and protect us from strangers. The only thing we had to worry about was skunks. He never did get sprayed by a skunk, but I always seemed to worry about it because I know he would if he ever ran into one. He used to go sailing with us too. He was a good sailor. He would always lean on the correct side of the boat to keep it from tipping over when the wind blew hard.
We love reading your blog. Your Daddy would be very impressed with you!
Love Aunt Elayne and Uncle Chris.
EMily, I like your new blog. I will be watching evryday for any new things you have to say.
Hey sis, I'm ready for another story...
Tony G
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